Email To/Cc/Bcc

This section of the toolpart allows you to configure who should receive the emails SharePoint Reminder sends out.

You can set separate options for the To/Cc and Bcc recipients. You can choose a field (or column) from the list or enter a fixed email address.

In this example we have chosen to set the To recipient to be the 'Assigned To' user lookup field in the list (e.g. the person who has been assigned to complete the individual task) and CC a fixed address.

You can separate multiple addresses with a semicolon (;)


If you have checked "Show All Fields" the lookup lists will also contain any text fields or lookup fields.

For example if you want to be able to manually enter an email address in a text field you can then select that field here. You must ensure that the field you select contains valid email addresses.

If you select a Lookup field in your list you will be asked to select the field from the referenced list that contains the email address.

This feature is useful in 2 scenarios :-

1) You have people who are not Users of SharePoint in your 'Contacts' list in a SharePoint Site that you want to email reminders to.

2) You have custom email distribution lists stored in a separate SharePoint list.


You can also add references to fields in your list using the notation "[FieldName]". This is useful if, for example, you have more than one person assigned to complete a task.

You must ensure that the field contains a valid email address (or addresses) and you can't use this feature with Lookup fields unless you setup the lookup field to display the column containing the email address.


Email All Users In a List or Group

You can choose to email all users in a specified Group, List (or view of that list).

This is useful if you want to email everyone in a 'Contacts' list or perhaps a particular group of site users.

The first entry on the drop down allows you to email every person who has an account in the SharePoint user database by selecting "* All Web Site Users".

Below that are all the Site Groups - e.g.

* All Web Site Users *
  - Top Level Site Visitors
  - Top Level Site Members...

Further down you will see each list in your site and its associated views - e.g.

Your List
  - All Items
  - Another View
Another List

If you select a list in this dropdown you must also select the field that contains Users, Groups or SMTP email addresses

Finally - select if emails should be sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to these users.

Don't email the last Modifier

If you are using Reminder for scenarios such as the Announcements or Enhanced Alerts example where you send out an email when a record is added, modified or is changed to a certain state then you may not want an email to be sent to the person who added or last modified the record - after all they know about the change as they made it!

You would not normally want to use this option with a Tasks Overdue scenario - after all even if the Assigned To person last modified a task they would still want to be emailed when it becomes overdue.
Dont email last modifier