TeamTime - Archiving

To maintain the performance of your TeamTime site, it's recommended you archive old timesheets on a regular basis. You will receive a warning message if your site is becoming larger than the supported size.


How do I archive timesheet data?

If you are a site administrator, you will see the Archive option on the main menu. From the Archive page (shown below) you can create a new archive covering the time period that best suits you. Select the weeks and months you want to be included in the archive and trigger the process (this may take some time to complete).


Why are Weeks and Months listed separately?

TeamTime stores its information in Weekly lists but also copies a summary of that information into Monthly lists for reporting purposes.

The Reports and Analysis pages use either Week or Month depending on the option you select.

Because weeks don't correspond exactly to Months (e.g. the week starting 27th January crosses months Jan and Feb) you've got the option to archive these off separately.

Can I view reports and analysis on archived data?

Yes. Each archive has its own reporting and analysis pages. Managers can view these from the View Archives page (shown below) under each of the archive entries:

Alternatively, you can use an Overview site to view reports and analysis on both live and archived data by using the "Include Archives" option when updating the Overview site's data. For more details, see the Update data web part manual page.


Can I restore archived data?

No. To avoid conflicts, data can only be archived, not restored. For this reason you should be certain the data no longer needs to be updated before archiving it.


Can I delete an archive once I have no further use for it?

Yes - select View Archives, click on the name of the archive you wish to delete and select Delete. You can not undo this operation.


What happens if my live data (not including archives) exceeds the farm's List View Query Threshold?

Exceeding the limit (5000 by default) will not have any immediate impact on your site's day-to-day use. However, as the amount of data increases you may begin to notice decreased performance in the site.

Your site should continue to operate as normal until its size exceeds the Administrator's List View Query Threshold (20000 by default), but its stability and performance will not be guaranteed beyond the normal users' threshold.

NB: Any issues caused by your site exceeding the farm's standard List View Query Threshold will not be covered by your support agreement.

This is an unavoidable limit we have to put in place due to the querying restrictions within SharePoint itself.

Read more about capacity guidance and organising your TeamTime sites here.


Is the Approval list archived?

No. If necessary records from this list should be deleted manually or using the Bulk Delete feature.